Artful Healing: Unleashing Creativity for Wellness

The Value of Bringing Creativity into Your Life

In a world that often feels chaotic and demanding, it’s easy to find ourselves searching for ways to escape or to be rescued from the pressures and challenges we face. It becomes easy to victimize ourselves. However, there’s a powerful alternative to this search: embracing creativity. By channeling our energy into creative pursuits, we can transform our experiences, uplift our spirits, and foster a deeper connection with our true selves.

Creativity is not just about producing art or engaging in traditionally creative activities; it’s a way of thinking and living that permeates every aspect of our lives. When we bring creativity into our day-to-day activities, we open ourselves up to a more vibrant, fulfilling existence. Creativity relaxes, rejuvenates, and uplifts us, creating a pleasant environment for the soul to expand. It teaches us patience, open-mindedness, and allows us to become the leaders of our own journeys, guiding us to a place of self-discovery and fulfillment.

The Transformative Power of Creativity

Creativity has the power to transform our lives in profound ways. When we engage in creative activities, we shift our focus from external stressors and anxieties to the process of creation itself. This shift allows us to experience a sense of flow, where time seems to stand still, and we are fully immersed in the present moment. In this state, we can find relief from anxiety, a boost in self-worth, and a deeper appreciation for our inner value.

Creativity as a Relaxing and Rejuvenating Force

Creative energy becomes this relaxing, rejuvenating, and uplifting force. By being more creative, we create a much more pleasant environment for the soul to expand. In turn, the heart teaches us to be patient and open minded and becomes the leader of our journey. So let’s expand our creative essence and place our energy in becoming more creative in our day-to-day activity.

Fostering Open-Mindedness and Patience

Creativity also teaches us valuable life skills such as patience and open-mindedness. When we embark on a creative project, we often encounter challenges and setbacks. These moments teach us to be patient with ourselves and the process. We learn to embrace mistakes as opportunities for growth and to approach problems with a flexible, open mind. These skills translate into other areas of our lives, helping us navigate challenges with grace and resilience.

Becoming Leaders of Our Own Journey

When we engage in creative activities, we take on the role of leaders in our own journey. We become the directors of our own stories, shaping our experiences and expressing our unique perspectives. This sense of agency is empowering, reminding us that we have the ability to influence our own lives and create the reality we desire. As we develop our creative skills, we also develop the confidence to take charge of our paths and pursue our dreams with determination.

The Joy of Creating Beauty

For many, creativity is a way to bring beauty into the world. Creating something beautiful, whether it’s a piece of art, a piece of music, or a piece of jewelry, can be incredibly fulfilling. The process of creation allows us to express our tastes, preferences, and emotions, resulting in something that is uniquely ours. This act of creation is not just about the end product; it’s about the journey of bringing an idea to life, of transforming raw materials into something meaningful.

Jewelry Making: A Personal Journey

For me, jewelry making is my chosen creative outlet. It’s a way for me to immerse myself in colors, shapes, and textures, and to create pieces that bring joy and pleasure to myself and others. The process of designing and crafting jewelry is deeply therapeutic. It allows me to focus my energy on something tangible and beautiful, providing a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Each piece I create is a reflection of my inner world, a testament to my appreciation for beauty and the nature of my beingness. I place my hands in creating beauty to uplift myself and others with the energy I am placing into these beautiful expressions of art.

The Healing Power of Art

Art, in all its forms, has a remarkable ability to heal. It helps us process our emotions, release our anxieties, and connect with our inner selves. Creating art is a bold expression of who we are; it allows us to communicate our deepest thoughts and feelings without the need for words. This act of expression is incredibly liberating, fostering a sense of connection and joy. Art becomes a healer of anxiety, self-worth, and inner value, guiding us towards a more authentic and fulfilled existence.

Becoming the Artist of Your Life

When we embrace creativity, we become the artists of our own lives. We take control of our narrative, infusing our days with color, meaning, and purpose. This creative journey is not just about producing tangible works of art; it’s about cultivating a mindset that values exploration, experimentation, and self-expression. As we develop our creative abilities, we expand our true selves, uncovering hidden talents and passions that bring us closer to our authentic being.

Your Unique Magic and Magnetic Signature

Each of us has a unique magic and magnetic signature that we bring into the world. This signature is our essence, the combination of our experiences, talents, and perspectives. When we engage in creative activities, we tap into this essence, allowing it to shine brightly. Our creative expressions become a beacon, attracting positive energy and opportunities into our lives. By embracing our creativity, we not only enhance our own well-being but also contribute to the beauty and richness of the world around us.

Growing a Better Environment for Yourself

When you engage in creative activities, you create a better environment for yourself. You cultivate a space where your soul can thrive, where your mind can explore new possibilities, and where your heart can connect with others. Creativity fosters a sense of community and collaboration, bringing people together to share their unique gifts and perspectives. By nurturing your creative essence, you contribute to a more vibrant and supportive environment for yourself and those around you.

Falling in Love with Your Inner Self

At the heart of creativity is a deep love for your inner self. When you create, you connect with the essence of who you are, celebrating your unique gifts and talents. This connection fosters a profound sense of self-love and appreciation, reminding you that you are valuable and worthy just as you are. As you embrace your creative journey, you learn to fall in love with yourself, recognizing the beauty and potential that resides within you.

We’re Here to Help You Grow and Find Your Passion

At Inprana Clinic, we are dedicated to helping you grow and find your passion. We invite you to join us at Inprana Clinic and discover the transformative power of creativity. Together, we can celebrate your creative mind, open your heart, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and expansion. Let’s bring that spark of essence back into your magical self and light up your world. We look forward to seeing you soon and supporting you on your path to a more creative, fulfilling life.

See You Soon!

– Eva Janowski, Emotional Therapist & Empowerment Coach –

*Disclaimer: Energy healing releases any energy blockages or improves pranic energy which allows regeneration of tissues at a cellular level and stimulates innate healing mechanisms of the body. It does not attempt to diagnose, treat or cure illness.

HypnoHealing Insights: Unlocking the Power and Importance of Hypnotherapy

We live in an incredibly stressful and fast-paced world. One where personal healing and growth is more important than ever before. On our path to wellness, we have to find tools that allow us to unlock certain aspects about ourselves that we may not even realize exist. Hypnotherapy stands out as a powerful tool that taps into the depth of the subconscious mind, offering profound benefits for mental, emotional, and physical well-being. But why is hypnotherapy so important?

Hypnotherapy can be important for several reasons:

  1. Behavioral Change: It can help individuals overcome unwanted habits or behaviors such as smoking, overeating, or phobias by accessing the subconscious mind where these patterns are often rooted.
  2. Emotional Healing: Hypnotherapy can aid in addressing and resolving emotional issues such as anxiety, depression, or trauma by accessing deeply buried emotions and facilitating healing.
  3. Pain Management: It has been used to alleviate chronic pain by helping individuals manage their perception of pain and promoting relaxation.
  4. Performance Enhancement: Athletes, performers, and professionals often use hypnotherapy to enhance their performance by improving focus, confidence, and mental clarity.
  5. Stress Reduction: Hypnotherapy induces a state of deep relaxation, which can help reduce stress levels and promote overall well-being.
  6. Self-Exploration and Personal Growth: It can be a tool for self-discovery and personal growth, allowing individuals to explore their inner thoughts, beliefs, and desires in a safe and supportive environment.

Overall, hypnotherapy can be important because it offers a holistic approach to addressing various physical, emotional, and psychological issues, often tapping into the power of the subconscious mind to facilitate positive change and healing.

Unlocking the Potential of Hypnotherapy: Real Stories of Healing and Growth

Hypnotherapy, often shrouded in mystery and misconceptions, is a powerful therapeutic tool that harnesses the subconscious mind to facilitate healing and personal transformation. Through deep relaxation and focused attention, hypnotherapy enables individuals to access inner resources through the unconscious mind, break free from unwanted habits, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of hypnotherapy through real-life examples of clients who have experienced profound changes in their lives. All names have been changed to protect client confidentiality. 

Paul’s Journey to Quit Smoking

For Paul, smoking had been a lifelong struggle. Despite numerous attempts to quit, he found himself trapped in a cycle of addiction and frustration. That is until he discovered hypnotherapy. With the guidance of his hypnotherapist, Paul delved into the subconscious roots of his smoking habit. Through hypnotic suggestion and visualization techniques, he reprogrammed his mind to associate cigarettes with discomfort rather than pleasure. The results were remarkable. After just a few sessions, Paul found himself effortlessly saying no to cigarettes. Today, he is proud to declare himself a non-smoker, free from the chains of addiction.

John’s Recovery from Trauma

John had experienced a traumatic event that left him feeling anxious, fearful, and emotionally numb. Traditional therapy provided some relief, but he still felt stuck in his pain. It wasn’t until he tried hypnotherapy that he experienced a breakthrough. Under the guidance of his hypnotherapist, John revisited the traumatic memory in a safe and controlled environment. Through hypnotic regression and visualization, he was able to process the emotions associated with the event and reframe his perspective. With each session, John felt lighter and more at peace. Eventually, he was able to let go of the past and embrace a brighter future filled with hope and resilience.

Emily’s Relief from Chronic Pain

Living with chronic pain had become Emily’s new normal. Despite countless doctor’s visits and pain medications, she struggled to find relief. It wasn’t until she discovered hypnotherapy that she experienced true healing. Through deep relaxation and guided imagery, Emily learned to shift her perception of pain. Instead of viewing it as an enemy to be fought, she saw it as a signal from her body that needed attention and care. With each session, Emily felt her pain diminish and her quality of life improve. Today, she no longer feels defined by her pain but empowered by her ability to manage it.

Mark’s Journey to Peak Performance

As an athlete, Mark faced intense pressure to perform at his best. But despite his talent and dedication, he often found himself plagued by performance anxiety. That’s when he turned to hypnotherapy for help. Through visualization and positive suggestion, Mark learned to harness the power of his mind to overcome his fears and doubts. With each session, he felt more confident and focused. On the day of the big game, Mark stepped onto the field with a newfound sense of calm and determination. The result? A stellar performance that left both teammates and coaches in awe.

Lisa’s Path to Inner Peace

Lisa’s life was a whirlwind of stress and chaos. Juggling a demanding job, family responsibilities, and personal commitments left her feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. Desperate for relief, she turned to hypnotherapy as a last resort. What she found was nothing short of transformative. Through deep relaxation and mindfulness techniques, Lisa learned to quiet her racing mind and cultivate inner peace. With each session, she felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. Today, Lisa approaches life with a renewed sense of balance and serenity, knowing that she has the power to weather any storm that comes her way.

Tom’s Exploration of Self-Discovery

For Tom, hypnotherapy was a journey of self-exploration and personal growth. Dissatisfied with the direction his life was taking, he sought guidance from a hypnotherapist. Together, they delved into the depths of his subconscious mind, uncovering hidden beliefs and desires. Through hypnotic regression and inner exploration, Tom gained valuable insights into his true self. Armed with this newfound self-awareness, he began to make positive changes in his life, aligning his actions with his deepest values and aspirations. Today, Tom lives with purpose and passion, knowing that the power to create the life of his dreams lies within him.


The stories of Paul, John, Emily, Mark, Lisa, and Tom serve as powerful reminders of the transformative potential of hypnotherapy. Whether overcoming addiction, healing from trauma, managing chronic pain, enhancing performance, reducing stress, or embarking on a journey of self-discovery, hypnotherapy offers hope and healing to all who seek it. If you’re struggling with challenges in your life, consider exploring the possibilities of hypnotherapy. You may be surprised at the profound changes it can bring.

Unlock transformation with our hypnotherapy packages: Sale $500 for 3 sessions. Payment upfront, after the initial Consultation, plus tax. Experience profound change and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Book now for holistic healing and personal growth with our hypnotherapist and Reiki Master Melissa Cigna.

– Melissa Cigna, Hypnotherapist & Reiki Master –

*Disclaimer: Energy healing releases any energy blockages or improves pranic energy which allows regeneration of tissues at a cellular level and stimulates innate healing mechanisms of the body. It does not attempt to diagnose, treat or cure illness.*

Newton’s Third Law and Life Force Energy

What is Newton’s Third Law?

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction in the physical realm.

Let’s apply this in the spiritual realm dimension, with flow of invisible forces such as universal life force energy & manifestation process. Universal life force energy responds based on our current mental and physical status. 

Life Force Energy can be translated into GOD consciousness or divine flow. If you study this deeply, these are one and the same. It is a force that is flowing through us and is found all around us, connecting all of us together. Although this force is invisible, one who is more in tune with themselves becomes more aware of this force. This force does not judge, demand or react. It is just merely a response based on your state of beingness. When this force is removed, life does not exist. Many have tapped into this life force energy knowingly or unknowingly, and created a life of their desires. One may call this “being inflow or swim with the current”, that is where positive manifestation happens, or manifestation that supports your deep desires. 

Physics uses objects to measure the action and reaction. However, I am going to show how we can use our mental thought process to create the same effect. With conscious effort we can shift our life and our reality basically rewiring and re-creating a better life and breaking curses or karma. 

I hope this article will help you increase and heighten your awareness so you can shift your reality and create a joyful and happier life. 

The most common mental energy that can impact our life is the emotion of fear. When you tap into these emotions your body is in a certain state, your heart raises, your body becomes tight, you withdraw and maybe afraid to take actions. At the bodily level you are creating a resistance in the flow of energy. So according to Newton’s third law, what do you think the response will be with life force energy? Because you are in a contracted state, the divine flow of energy will be resistant and will not support you or be able to withdraw as well, hence at the end you feel unsupported, and lose faith and trust. However, if you took the action with no fear or were more mentally clear, your body becomes relaxed and now you are ready to receive universal support. That’s when you feel like you are always supported and GOD or external forces are supporting you. With fear, we also block our heart center and usually it stems from old unconscious traumatic memories. 

With daily inner awareness checks you can start to notice whether Newton’s 3rd law is serving you or not. I will give you a few examples that you can use to open your mind and start to recognize what the reaction will be based on your actions. 

Before I continue with this article, I just want to warn you that you should process this one step at a time, and release one layer at a time. The feeling that you don’t have enough time creates another reaction in the universe. 

Questions to ponder on:

1. Where in my life am I withholding with fear or lack?

For example with money or food, are you keeping it tight and afraid that you will not have enough in the future, or are you trusting that you will have more and more that this world is full of abundance. This question may trigger you but take your time and really process this question. Check if you have resistance in your body when you think of sharing your wealth, or money. Do you feel fear or panic creeping in?

2. How often do I get angry in a day?

If you find you are not getting anywhere in life. This is a great question to ask because most of us think staying or remaining in anger is a great emotion, however you are at the deepest level torturing your body especially if you get triggered for everything. The response of tensing up your body consistently and chronically can block you from receiving your desired life or happiness and joy. 

3. How certain do you feel when you set goals?

Certainty, emits a certain energy that is powerful and strong. The response will be strong back to you. If you become certain when you set healthy goals your energy that you are emitting will bring back opportunities and support to accomplish those goals.

 4. Do I have “Fear of Suffering”?

This is a tricky topic. Because this is a deeper question to ask yourself. Are you afraid of suffering and are you trying to control every action? You may look like you may have OCD or show symptoms of OCD. I can give you numerous examples such as fear of losing time, judgment, being in control, overly analyzing which is the ultimate fear of suffering internally. You may not even know that you have this and have been dealing with this for years and this creates a response from the universe that is favoring your fear.  

That means when we resist, our life becomes resistance and it will mirror back to you. You may notice that you are not manifesting your desires, may have serious financial issues, family issues or even life just seems like it is not going your way. 

As a doctor of chiropractic and a spiritual teacher/ life mastery coach. I recommend that you get help to process and clear these heaviness and resistance in your body. Even trying hard to figure things out on your own creates an energy of resistance that may hold you back from moving forward. I have personally trained myself to get in a relaxed state to receive divine/ universal guidance to release my own inner blockages, I have helped thousands of clients do the same.  So if this is something you are ready to work on, you can book a virtual appointment now and we can help and guide you to reach your desired goals. 

~ Dr. Rogini Thirukkumaran D.C, BSc. ~

The Healing Touch: Exploring the Benefits of Registered Massage Therapy

In today’s fast-paced world, where stress seems to be an unwelcome companion for many, finding effective ways to relax and rejuvenate is essential for maintaining overall well-being. Among the wide variety of wellness practices available, registered massage therapy stands out as a versatile and time-tested modality that offers a myriad of benefits. From alleviating pain to promoting relaxation and enhancing recovery, massage therapy, when administered by a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT), holds tremendous potential to improve physical and mental health. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the numerous advantages of massage therapy and how it can positively impact various conditions and patient populations.

The Holistic Approach to Health

Massage therapy is a practice deeply rooted in the understanding that the body is a complex system where every part is interconnected. It’s not just about kneading muscles or relieving tension; it’s about understanding and addressing the underlying causes of discomfort, whether they stem from physical strain, emotional stress, or mental fatigue. Additionally, it is a practice that embodies a holistic approach to health, recognizing the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit. Beyond mere relaxation, it addresses underlying musculoskeletal issues, providing relief from acute and chronic pain while fostering overall wellness. The holistic nature of massage therapy acknowledges that physical discomfort often has psychological and emotional roots, and vice versa. By nurturing a sense of harmony within the body, massage therapy facilitates a holistic healing process that encompasses all aspects of an individual’s well-being. But perhaps most importantly, massage therapy fosters a sense of connection – to oneself, to the therapist, and to the greater universe. Through touch, practitioners communicate care and compassion, helping clients feel seen, heard, and supported in their healing journey. This sense of connection can be profoundly healing, offering solace to those who may feel disconnected or isolated in their pain. This integrated approach not only promotes physical health but also nurtures emotional balance and spiritual well-being, fostering a sense of wholeness and vitality.

Pain Relief and Management

One of the most notable benefits of massage therapy is its ability to alleviate pain. Massage therapy offers a multifaceted approach to pain management, targeting both the physical and emotional aspects of discomfort. One of its remarkable benefits is its ability to alleviate pain stemming from various sources, including physical injury, chronic conditions, and stress-related tension. By targeting specific muscle groups and releasing tension, RMTs help restore balance to the body, providing relief from conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and sciatica. Moreover, massage therapy can aid in post-surgical rehabilitation, promoting faster recovery and minimizing discomfort. The therapeutic effects of massage extend beyond the physical realm, offering emotional comfort and relief from the psychological toll of living with chronic pain. Through the nurturing touch of an RMT, individuals experience a profound sense of relief and relaxation, allowing them to reclaim their quality of life and engage more fully in daily activities.

Enhanced Mental Well-Being

In addition to its physical benefits, massage therapy plays a crucial role in enhancing mental well-being. In today’s high-pressure environment, stress, anxiety, and depression have become widespread concerns. Massage therapy offers a sanctuary of relaxation, allowing individuals to unwind and release pent-up tension. Through the manipulation of soft tissues and the release of endorphins, massage therapy can uplift mood, reduce anxiety levels, and improve overall mental clarity. The nurturing touch of an RMT provides a sense of comfort and reassurance, fostering a deep sense of relaxation and emotional well-being. By promoting relaxation and reducing stress levels, massage therapy empowers individuals to better cope with life’s challenges, enhancing resilience and promoting a positive outlook on life.

Versatility in Treatment

One of the remarkable aspects of massage therapy is its versatility in addressing a wide range of conditions. From sports injuries to chronic illnesses, RMTs work with diverse patient populations to tailor treatment plans according to individual needs. Conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fasciitis, and migraines can all benefit from targeted massage techniques aimed at alleviating specific symptoms and promoting healing. Moreover, massage therapy serves as a valuable adjunct to conventional medical treatments, enhancing outcomes and improving quality of life for patients. The adaptability of massage therapy allows it to complement various healthcare modalities, providing holistic support for individuals across the lifespan. Whether used as a standalone treatment or integrated into a comprehensive care plan, massage therapy offers a versatile and effective approach to promoting health and well-being.

Preventative Care and Wellness Maintenance

Beyond treating existing conditions, massage therapy plays a pivotal role in preventative care and wellness maintenance. Athletes incorporate massage into their training regimens to prevent injuries and enhance performance, while individuals seeking stress management strategies find solace in regular massage sessions. By addressing muscular imbalances, improving circulation, and boosting immune function, massage therapy fortifies the body’s natural defenses against illness and injury, promoting long-term health and vitality. Incorporating massage therapy into a comprehensive wellness plan empowers individuals to take proactive steps towards optimizing their health and vitality, preventing future ailments and promoting longevity. With its focus on holistic wellness and preventive care, massage therapy offers individuals a powerful tool for enhancing their overall quality of life and achieving long-term health and vitality.

The Therapeutic Environment

In addition to the expertise of the therapist, the therapeutic environment plays a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness of massage therapy. Massage therapy clinics strive to create a welcoming and tranquil atmosphere that promotes relaxation and healing. From soothing music and dim lighting to comfortable massage tables and heated blankets, every element is carefully curated to enhance the client’s experience. Moreover, open communication between the therapist and client is encouraged to ensure that treatment goals are clearly understood and met. Whether seeking relief from physical pain or emotional stress, clients can trust that they are in a safe and supportive environment where their well-being is paramount.

Cultivating Mind-Body Awareness

Beyond the immediate benefits of pain relief and relaxation, massage therapy fosters a deeper sense of mind-body awareness. Through mindful breathing and focused attention, clients learn to tune into their body’s signals and respond with compassion and self-care. Massage therapy encourages individuals to develop a greater understanding of their physical and emotional needs, empowering them to make healthier choices and cultivate a more balanced lifestyle. By cultivating a mindful approach to self-care, clients can better manage stress, prevent injuries, and maintain optimal health and well-being over the long term.


Registered massage therapy stands as a beacon of healing in a world often fraught with stress and discomfort. Through skilled manipulation of soft tissues and a deep understanding of the body’s intricate mechanisms, RMTs empower individuals to reclaim their health and vitality. Whether seeking relief from chronic pain, managing stress, or enhancing athletic performance, massage therapy offers a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses the body, mind, and spirit. As we continue to prioritize self-care and holistic health practices, let us embrace the healing touch of massage therapy as a cornerstone of our well-being journey. With its myriad benefits and versatile applications, massage therapy remains a powerful tool for fostering health, happiness, and harmony in our lives. By integrating massage therapy into our wellness routines, we can cultivate resilience, vitality, and a profound sense of well-being that radiates from within.

– Dana Kil, Registered Massage Therapist –

Rediscovering Balance: Exploring the Healing Benefits of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine

For millennia, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has offered a profound understanding of the interconnectedness between the body, mind, spirit and the elements of the earth/environment. Rooted in ancient philosophy and practices, TCM has stood the test of time, offering holistic healing modalities that continue to captivate and benefit people around the globe. At the heart of TCM lies acupuncture, a therapeutic technique that has garnered attention for its remarkable ability to restore balance and promote wellness. 

Understanding the Foundations of Traditional Chinese Medicine

At the core of TCM lies the belief in the harmonious interplay between the body’s internal organs and the external elements of nature. According to TCM principles, the body is governed by the flow of Qi, the vital life force that circulates through meridians, or energy pathways. When Qi flows smoothly and harmoniously, our health and vitality flourish. However, disruptions in this flow, caused by factors such as stress, poor diet or emotional imbalances, can lead to illness and disease.

TCM offers a comprehensive framework for understanding health and disease, viewing each individual as a unique ecosystem influenced by both internal and external factors. Rather than merely addressing symptoms, TCM seeks to identify and address the underlying imbalances that contribute to ill health. Through a combination of modalities such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary therapy, and mind-body practices like qigong and tai chi, TCM aims to restore harmony and promote wellness on all levels – physical, emotional and spiritual.

The Healing Power of Acupuncture

Acupuncture, perhaps the most well-known modality of TCM, has gained widespread recognition for its ability to alleviate pain, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being. Dating back thousands of years, acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points along the body’s meridians to stimulate Qi flow and restore balance.

One of the primary benefits of acupuncture is its effectiveness in managing pain. Whether due to chronic conditions such as arthritis or fibromyalgia, or acute issues like sports injuries or migraines, acupuncture has been shown to provide significant relief by reducing inflammation, promoting circulation, and triggering the body’s natural pain-relieving mechanisms. Moreover, acupuncture’s holistic approach addresses not only the physical symptoms but also the underlying imbalances contributing to pain, offering long-term relief and prevention of recurrence.

Beyond pain management, acupuncture is valued for its ability to support mental and emotional well-being. In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become a prevalent concern, contributing to a myriad of health issues ranging from anxiety and depression to digestive disorders and immune dysfunction. Acupuncture offers a gentle yet potent solution, calming the nervous system, balancing mood-regulating hormones, and promoting relaxation and emotional resilience. By addressing the root causes of stress and tension, acupuncture empowers individuals to cultivate greater peace and harmony in their lives.

The Role of Acupuncture in Integrative Medicine

As the evidence supporting acupuncture’s therapeutic benefits continues to accumulate, its integration into mainstream healthcare settings has become increasingly prevalent. Acupuncture is now offered in hospitals, clinics, and wellness centers worldwide, alongside conventional medical treatments, as part of an integrative approach to patient care.

Integrative medicine, which combines the best of conventional and complementary therapies, recognizes acupuncture as a valuable tool for enhancing health and well-being. By incorporating acupuncture into treatment plans for conditions such as chronic pain, cancer, infertility, and mental health disorders, integrative practitioners aim to provide comprehensive care that addresses the diverse needs of patients.

Moreover, acupuncture’s safety profile and minimal side effects make it an attractive option for individuals seeking alternatives to pharmaceutical interventions or invasive procedures. Unlike many conventional treatments, which may carry risks of adverse effects or complications, acupuncture offers a gentle and natural approach to healing that is well-tolerated by most people.

Holistic Healing for Modern Wellness

In an era dominated by quick-fix solutions and symptom-focused approaches to health care, the holistic philosophy of TCM offers a refreshing alternative. By recognizing the intricate connections between the body, mind, and environment, TCM provides a roadmap for true healing and transformation. Rather than viewing symptoms in isolation, TCM considers them as signals of deeper imbalances that require attention and care.

Central to the principles of TCM is the concept of Qi, the vital life force that flows through the body’s meridians, or energy channels. When Qi flows smoothly and harmoniously, health and vitality abound. However, disruptions in this flow, caused by factors such as stress, poor diet, environmental toxins, or emotional disturbances, can lead to illness and disease.

Rather than merely masking symptoms with medication, TCM seeks to address the root causes of imbalance, restoring harmony and promoting wellness on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This holistic approach acknowledges that each person is unique, with their own set of strengths, weaknesses, and individualized needs.

One of the key strengths of TCM lies in its individualized approach to treatment. Recognizing that each person is unique, TCM practitioners tailor their therapies to address the specific needs and imbalances of each individual. Whether through acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietary adjustments, or lifestyle recommendations, TCM offers personalized solutions that honor the body’s innate wisdom and capacity for healing.

Moreover, TCM’s emphasis on prevention and proactive self-care aligns with the principles of modern wellness. Rather than waiting for illness to manifest, TCM encourages individuals to cultivate health and vitality through mindful living, balanced nutrition, and regular self-care practices. By fostering a deeper awareness of the body-mind connection, TCM empowers individuals to take charge of their health and well-being, leading to greater resilience and vitality over the long term.

Embracing the Wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine

In a world where health challenges abound, the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine offers a beacon of hope and healing. Through modalities such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, and dietary therapy, TCM provides a holistic approach to wellness that addresses the root causes of illness and promotes balance on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional. By embracing the principles of TCM and incorporating its practices into our lives, we can unlock the transformative power of holistic healing and embark on a journey toward greater health, vitality, and well-being.

– Danielle Grande, Acupuncturist and TCM Specialist –

The Power of Your Heart as a Guide

The heart is indeed a powerful force within us. It’s not just a physical organ but often symbolizes our emotional center and intuition. While our intelligence may reside in the brain, our emotions and intuition play a significant role in decision-making and understanding the world around us.

The heart can guide us in making choices that align with our values, desires, and deeper understanding. Balancing the wisdom of the mind with the insights of the heart can lead to a more harmonious and fulfilling life. The heart serves as a guiding system in our lives, leading us towards love, beauty, passion, compassion, and creativity. It’s like an inner compass that helps us navigate the complexities of human experience and make choices that align with our deepest values and desires. Creativity sparks innovation and allows us to express ourselves authentically.

When we listen to our hearts and follow the  guidance, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and fulfillment. Our hearts know what truly matters to us and can lead us towards a life filled with purpose and meaning. By nurturing our hearts and honoring their wisdom, we can navigate the ups and downs of life with grace and integrity.

Love: Guides us to connect deeply with others and fosters meaningful relationships.

Beauty: Inspires us to appreciate the wonders around us and create harmony in our environment.

Passion: Fuels our determination to pursue our dreams and make a difference in the world.

Compassion: Encourages us to empathize with others and act with kindness and understanding.

Creativity: Sparks innovation and allows us to express ourselves authentically, leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

Heart intelligence refers to the idea that the heart possesses its own form of intelligence separate from the brain. This concept is often associated with emotional and intuitive aspects of decision-making and understanding. While the brain is traditionally seen as the center of cognitive functions and rational thought, and heart intelligence  plays a significant role in guiding our actions and perceptions.

Heart intelligence encompasses qualities such as emotional awareness, empathy, intuition, and compassion. It suggests that by tuning into the wisdom of the heart, individuals can make more balanced and authentic choices in their lives. This perspective emphasizes the importance of listening to one’s feelings and inner guidance, rather than relying solely on logical analysis.

Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and heart coherence techniques aim to cultivate heart intelligence by fostering a deeper connection between the mind, body, and emotions. By developing greater awareness of the heart’s wisdom, individuals may experience improved emotional well-being, enhanced intuition, and more harmonious relationships with themselves and others.

Tuning into the sensations and feelings in the center of your chest, often associated with a gentle warmth or a sense of love and acceptance, can be a powerful way to connect with the wisdom and guidance of your heart.

This region is often referred to as the heart center or heart chakra.

When you focus your attention on this area during practices like mindfulness or meditation, you may notice a rhythm of feelings or emotions arising. These sensations can serve as signals from your heart, offering insights and guidance about your experiences, decisions, and relationships.

The inner knowing that emerges from this connection with your heart’s wisdom is often described as a gut feeling or intuition. It’s a deep sense of certainty or clarity that arises spontaneously, without the need for logical reasoning. Trusting this intuitive guidance can lead you towards choices and actions that are aligned with your true desires and values.

By regularly practicing tuning into the wisdom of your heart, you can cultivate a deeper sense of self-awareness, emotional resilience, and inner peace. It’s a journey of self-discovery and personal growth that allows you to live more authentically and in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Self-care practices can be deeply nurturing to the heart center. Here are some self-care activities that can help activate and nourish the heart:

Mindfulness Meditation: Engage in mindfulness meditation practices that focus on the heart center. Bring your awareness to the sensations in your chest area, and cultivate feelings of love, compassion, and gratitude.

Nature Walks: Spend time in nature, taking  walks in parks or natural settings. Nature has a soothing effect on the heart and can help you feel more grounded and connected.

Creative Expression: Engage in creative activities that come from the heart, such as painting, writing, or playing music. Allow yourself to express your emotions and innermost feelings through your chosen medium.

Gratitude Practice: Cultivate a regular gratitude practice by journaling about things you are grateful for each day. Focusing on gratitude can help shift your perspective towards the positive and open your heart to receive more love and abundance.

Acts of Kindness: Practice random acts of kindness towards yourself and others. Whether it’s giving yourself a moment of self-compassion or performing a kind gesture for someone else, acts of kindness can activate feelings of warmth and connection in the heart.

Heart-Centered Breathing: Practice deep breathing exercises that focus on the heart center. As you inhale and exhale, visualize your breath flowing in and out of your heart, creating a sense of calm and relaxation.

By incorporating these self-care practices into your daily routine, you can cultivate a deeper connection with your heart and activate its wisdom and guidance in your life. Taking care of your heart in this way can lead to greater emotional well-being, resilience, and inner peace.

The goal of emotional wellness and empowerment coaching is to empower you to take control of your emotions, overcome obstacles, and create a life that aligns with your values and aspirations, will help you build confidence, resilience, and self-compassion as you journey towards greater emotional well-being and fulfillment.


Life is short to stop caring about your wellbeing.  So don’t stop, jump on board and discover your journey home to self, and light up others along your healing journey too.

Book am emotional therapy session with me today alongside empowerment coaching and energy healing!

*Disclaimer: Energy healing releases any energy blockages or improves pranic energy which allows regeneration of tissues at a cellular level and stimulates innate healing mechanisms of the body. It does not attempt to diagnose, treat or cure illness.

– Eva Janowski, Emotional Therapist & Empowerment Coach –

The power of raising your vibration through Music

While on my spiritual journey, I find myself listening to music everywhere I go. But did not fully understand why? Why does music make me feel so good? Why does music make me feel better? Metaphysically and spiritually are we able to raise our vibrations simply by listening to music? Is this made up or is it in fact true? There is something to be said about music as a powerful tool inorder to raise one’s vibration due to the ability to influence emotions, energy and the entire state of being. Which by the way, I do all the time as a hypnotherapist with my clients just not with music! Everything in the universe, including our bodies, have a specific vibration and frequency. Music especially, is composed with specific frequencies and intentions therefore we can resonate with these frequencies. The intention behind the creation and performance of music can significantly impact its vibrational quality whether it be positive or negative. Music created with positive intentions, such as love, healing, or compassion, carries that energy within it like anything else; intention is everything! When individuals listen to or engage with such music, they can absorb these intentions, these powerful emotions, leading to an elevation of their own vibration. This resonance is believed to positively impact the energetic balance of the body, mind, and spirit. There is a science to it! Although I don’t want to bore my readers, I do want to speak about why this happens without having to go in depth in the science leading up to it.  

Music has the remarkable ability to serve as a gateway to our memories, evoking powerful emotions and shaping our behaviors in profound ways. The melodies, rhythms, and lyrics of music can transport us back in time, triggering memories associated with specific experiences, people, and emotions. By tapping into this reservoir of memories, music has the potential to influence our mood, mindset, and even our physiological responses. Harnessing the positive impact of music in our daily lives offers a valuable opportunity for self-care and emotional well-being. Unconsciously, we embark on a musical journey each day, with the potential for profound emotional release and catharsis. This release of pent-up emotions, whether joy, sadness, or nostalgia, can be immensely therapeutic, allowing us to process and heal from past experiences. In turn, this emotional release contributes to a sense of lightness, clarity, and energetic renewal, raising our vibrational frequency and enhancing our overall sense of vitality and well-being. By integrating music into our daily routines with intention and mindfulness, we can harness its transformative power to cultivate greater emotional resilience, inner peace, and spiritual growth.

As a Reiki Master, my primary aim in utilizing this healing modality is to clear blockages from the body and realign the Chakras. It is widely believed that certain types of music, crafted with specific tones and rhythms, are tailored to assist in the balancing of the Chakras as well. This explains my preference for incorporating “Reiki Music” into my practice while working with clients; it naturally promotes alignment and facilitates healing at elevated states of consciousness. Across various spiritual traditions, music serves as a conduit for connecting with higher realms. Whether through chanting, sacred hymns, or meditative sounds, music acts as a bridge to the spiritual realm, aiding in the elevation of one’s vibration. This affinity for utilizing music in healing work certainly makes the process more seamless and effective, allowing me to facilitate a deeper healing with greater ease and efficiency.

Anything that boosts interconnectedness between our physical bodies and mental states is ideal in overall wellbeing and can contribute to the raise in one’s vibrational frequency.  Music has the ability to synchronize with brainwave patterns and influence the autonomic nervous system. It’s called “entrainment.” By doing so, it can induce relaxation, reduce stress, and promote a sense of calm. It can even help us focus and shift to a higher vibrational state. Have you ever realized or felt that your heart rate lowers as well when listening to music? Any kind that resonates, speaks to you, that you are attracted to. Like a bike, the more you do it, the more you become attuned to the signals and sensations of our bodies. We can better understand and address our mental and emotional needs, leading to greater balance and harmony once attuned.

Music possesses a profound ability to influence and elevate our moods instantly, serving as a powerful tool for emotional regulation and well-being. When we listen to upbeat and harmonious melodies, our brains respond by releasing neurotransmitters such as dopamine, often referred to as the ‘feel-good’ neurotransmitter. This surge of dopamine not only enhances our sense of pleasure and reward but also uplifts our mood, fostering feelings of joy, optimism, and vitality. As our mood elevates in response to music, we naturally gravitate towards a more positive and expansive emotional state. This shift in mood towards positivity and optimism contributes to a higher vibrational frequency, aligning us with states of love, gratitude, and abundance. By consciously selecting and engaging with music that resonates with our emotions and intentions, we can harness its transformative power to cultivate a harmonious inner landscape and elevate our vibrational frequency, thereby enhancing our overall well-being and spiritual growth.

Engaging with music for personal expression and growth is paramount. The therapeutic benefits of creative endeavors, such as singing with music, cannot be overstated. These activities serve as potent tools for releasing stress and cultivating a profound sense of well-being. Singing, in particular, has been a source of solace and rejuvenation for many individuals, myself included. The act of singing at the top of one’s lungs, with unbridled passion, offers a cathartic release unlike any other. It’s a form of self-care that allows us to tap into our innermost emotions and express them freely. Incorporating such practices into daily routines, such as singing in the shower, can have transformative effects on our overall state of being. By harnessing the power of music to raise energetic vibrations, we enhance our vitality, deepening our sense of happiness and joy. It’s a simple yet profound act that nourishes the soul and enriches our lived experience, fostering greater resilience and fulfillment in life.


– Melissa Cigna, Hypnotherapist & Reiki Master –

*Disclaimer: Energy healing releases any energy blockages or improves pranic energy which allows regeneration of tissues at a cellular level and stimulates innate healing mechanisms of the body. It does not attempt to diagnose, treat or cure illness.

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Free your Mind with Reiki

Reiki has been practiced over 1000 years and there are many benefits one can experience with Reiki. In this modern world mental stress is now higher than it used to be. We have overstimulation of information and noise in this world that our minds can be so scattered and overwhelmed. I use the analogy of a computer, when a computer’s hard drive is overloaded, it slows down this fancy equipment. Our minds operate the same way. Usually, one might not be aware that they are overloaded until they have an emotional breakdown or become emotionally reactive. This is because your body does not have the capacity to handle the extra external stimulation.


Common practices to relieve the stress we  sleep-in, take meds, become addictive to narcotics or find alternative unhealthy ways to release the stress. We all heard that a healthy form of releasing mental stress is through meditation and quieting the mind. I am an expert in meditation but let me tell you when you first time learn to meditate it is not easy and I don’t suggest you trying it because it can get very uncomfortable because you will notice your thoughts can be all-over the place and you may get so overwhelmed, that you may feel worse that you started. Another way or form to release mental overload is by exercising. Even that practice might not be deep enough to clear at the deepest level. However, a Reiki Practitioner can help you with that so you can fully surrender to the healing and they can release the pent-up garbage or mental chatter in your body and clear blocked energy centers in the body. Reiki supports the process of releasing emotions such anger, resentment, sadness, self-doubt and worthiness issues. 


If you are a business owner or work in a high stress environment our mind can get extremely challenged and we tend to be more in our thoughts and in our minds. It gets very hard to shut of a congested mind that is constantly running like a water fountain. Especially at the end of the day one may display symptoms like restlessness, headaches and even higher blood pressure readings. You may also notice the thoughts become irrelevant and it gets harder and harder to shut of your brain off, creating an overload to the nervous system. 


Reiki can help to release the mental pressure and heaviness in your head and energetically ground you. It is very common for people to feel very vulnerable to ask for help and receive Reiki. Let me tell you as an evidence-based chiropractor and business owner certain healing cannot be explained by science, but I personally received my first Reiki experience over 18 years ago during my first pregnancy. At that time, I was a chiropractic student and under lots of stress. Thank God to Reiki, which really helped to recenter my brain and my energy. As much as our brain and thoughts help us to create our life and build our dream, but an overload can lead to so many various mental health issues and create energetic resistance that slows down your progress in life. 


Let Reiki help you to clear your head, or one can say empty your brain so you can focus better have some clarity and allow to make some conscious choices and be more creative in your life and business in general. 


InPrana Integrative healing located in Maple, Ontario understands the importance of managing mental stress and hence we have amazing Reiki practitioners who can help you along the way. 


You are not alone and let us help and support your journey.


Dr. Rogini Thirukkumaran D.C, BSc.

Getting Passionate with the Sacral Chakra


Balance in our sacral chakras helps us to achieve harmony with other chakras, and kick-start our creative, and passionate desires in life.

The Anchor for Our Inner Balance?

As we’ve covered the Chakras we moved from the top to the bottom, from our crown, down to our hearts, and now we’re moving into the lower or grounded chakras. In the most basic sense, we can look at both the Sacral, and Root chakras as both a connection to our own natures and the natural grounded world we live in. While our crown and third eye Chakras are our windows into higher thinking and mental states of being. These lower chakras are our windows into grounding ourselves and tapping into our primal emotions.  


For today we’ll be looking at the Sacral Chakra, what it embodies, and how its balance can affect our spiritual and physical wellbeing.


As we’ve touched on before, our bodies are constantly communicating with the pranic energies surrounding us. From our emotional impulses to our nerve impulses we can observe the flow of this energy, where it becomes blocked, and where we can free its movement. The Sacral Chakra or Svadhishthana Chakra is located just a few fingers below our navels and is an important anchor point in the body for these energies.


Svadhishthana loosely translates in English to “the dwelling place of the Self”, as it supports personal expansion, and exploration of our own sexuality, personal desires, and inward creativity.

…it helps to induce our spark of creativity, and to feel pleasure in the things we love in life.

Where we see it tie into our physical bodies is through our bladder, kidneys and reproductive organs, and is seen as somewhat connected to our lower back as well. When we experience an imbalance in this chakra it can emotionally manifest as fear of experiencing pleasure, fatigue and low libido. Physically this can manifest in lower back pain, joint and hip issues, and issues with the spleen and kidneys to name a few.


We can see here how vital balancing this chakra is for the others, as the effects of its imbalance can quickly impact other aspects of our mental and physical health, and it showcases how central to our chakras the Sacral Chakra’s balance is. 


When it is balanced correctly it corresponds with the concept of water as an element, how it flows and can be so flexible (like our joints when we take care of them!), like a river. This balance and the positive flow of energy it produces in our other chakras helps us to embrace letting things go and accepting change and transformation in our lives.


When our minds are free of the physical burdens an imbalance can cause, it helps to induce our spark of creativity and to feel pleasure in the things we love in life.


Dr. Rogini Inprana Our Mission Gratitude

– Dr. Rogini Thirukkumaran D.C., BSc. – Shakti Chiro

Your Holistic Chiropractor, Energy Healer, and Founder of Inprana Integrative Healing


*Disclaimer: Energy healing releases any energy blockages or improves pranic energy which allows regeneration of tissues at a cellular level and stimulates innate healing mechanisms of the body. It does not attempt to diagnose, treat, or cure illness.

Understanding The Solar Plexus Chakra


Symbol of the Solar Plexus, or Manipura, Chakra.

Finding Balance in our Centres

For today’s blog, we’ll be returning our topic of focus to the Chakras of the body again, and continuing to the Solar Plexus Chakra, or Manipura chakra. Located in the body just around your navel, or belly button, the Manipura chakra is said to be the central core of and the ignition for our personal “fire”. It builds upon and helps us unleash that fire in the form of self-confidence, self-esteem and inner strength when facing adversities in life. This chakra is also closely tied to the element of fire.


When it is balanced along with the rest of our Chakras this results in us having a determinant lifestyle with high energy and a strong sense of identity and purpose. When our Manipura chakras, however, is too strong, and not balanced by our higher chakras, or grounded by our lower chakras we can see this fire turn into stubbornness and even a dangerous level of self-confidence that isn’t guided by wisdom.


On the flip-side, and perhaps just as dangerous to ourselves when that fire is lacking, or the balance is far to the other side, we can experience low energy, self-doubt and behaviours like procrastination due to fear.


Here we can see as with so many of our chakras why this balance is so important to work on and strive to achieve. We need that fire to help us be the most confident versions of ourselves we can be, but we need it tempered with our wisdom, and our heart so that it doesn’t burn us, or those around us.


Registered Massage Therapists are trained in different skills, and techniques than other physical therapists or chiropractors, however, massage therapists often work closely, as we do at Inprana, with other practitioners. One application of an RMT’s skill set is in pre-chiro assessments and treatment. One way an RMT helps to do this is simply by helping the patient feel relaxed.


As we discussed in our last entry, achieving that state of mental and muscle relaxation helps the body heal, and can help a chiropractor better perform their work without having to overcome the tension and stress that may be there otherwise.

When we are confident, we have a strong constitution and can face much, but when that fire dims we may feel “blocked up”

Physically, as with all chakras, we can also look at where the Manipura chakra is located and therefore we can see it as an indicator of our digestive health. Old sayings like “I have butterflies in my stomach”, and that direct connection between how our “tummies” feel and how we emotionally feel in a moment tie right into the idea of the Manipura chakra.


When we are confident, we have a strong constitution and can face much, but when that fire dims we may feel “blocked up”, or when it burns out of control we may start to deal with digestive issues like ulcers or heartburn, which have been proven to be directly related to emotions like anger, and stress.  


So what are some things that you can work on to help embolden, and balance your solar plexus chakra?


For one we encourage using mantras in your meditations like “I am strong, confident and ready for anything”, as well as several yoga poses like the seated twist, the revolved triangle or cobra pose can help to open your solar plexus chakra (there are many more too, and if you’d like to learn more we’re happy to book an appointment and help you today!), as well as methods involved with Reiki healing (which we are also happy, and able to answer your questions or book a session for today) that specifically help with this chakra.


Dr. Rogini Inprana Our Mission Gratitude

– Dr. Rogini Thirukkumaran D.C., BSc. – Shakti Chiro

Your Holistic Chiropractor, Energy Healer, and Founder of Inprana Integrative Healing


*Disclaimer: Energy healing releases any energy blockages or improves pranic energy which allows regeneration of tissues at a cellular level and stimulates innate healing mechanisms of the body. It does not attempt to diagnose, treat, or cure illness.